Advancing Solutions for a Truly Regenerative Future
Every human-made system—from the way we produce food to the regulations that govern society—can transform to be in service to life. Together, we can create that transformation.
Every human-made system—from the way we produce food to the regulations that govern society—can transform to be in service to life. Together, we can create that transformation.
The Alliance for Collective Action convenes leaders of environmental and social movements to advance solutions for a thriving planet. We advance our mission through the Alliance Center building and community, and through Collective Impact projects.
The Alliance Center, our Downtown Denver headquarters, is a coworking space housed in an innovative green building. Programs in the building spark collaboration between community members working to advance environmental, social and economic solutions.
The climate crisis we face was created by the degenerative, extractive and exploitative systems at play in our lives. Sustainability refers to maintaining and preserving—anything can be sustained for a certain amount of time, including those harmful systems. But when systems take more than they give, they eventually lead to collapse. Regenerative practices work to heal the damage caused by humanity’s overconsumption and create new systems in balance with nature.
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Here is what our community has to say about The Alliance for Collective Action!
Founder and CEO of Zero FoodPrint
“[The Alliance] has been a primary collaborator as Zero Foodprint expanded to Colorado, establishing critical connections to policy makers and business leaders, as well as the regenerative communit writ large.”
Chief of Staff for Governor Polis
“[The Alliance’s] response to the pandemic has been impressive. From zero to 60 in a flash they have mobilized a powerful coalition and partnered with the legislature in a new and refreshing way to help drive systems change.”
Coalition Member
“The ideas and resources brought to me via [The Coalition] have made me a more informed citizen, a more empowered advocate and much more hopeful about our future on this Earth.”
Alliance Center Tenant
“Working at The Alliance Center has opened doors to me that I didn’t even know existed. The resources, opportunities and experiences available here have revolutionized how I think about modern workspaces. Every day I’m inspired by the organization’s commitment to local work and global impact. Thank you, Alliance Center!”
Past Alliance Board Member
“The Alliance Center is working towards tangible solutions to the challenges of a more sustainable environment, economy and society! We aren’t just observing the challenges—we are facilitating actual solutions.”
Coalition Member
“Working with the Alliance has helped in opening a dialogue on strategies for bridging inevitable cultural/political divides to focus on common ground relative to our ambitious agenda. Our work is often painted as ‘blue,’ which can be a non-starter when helping our fellow state residents embrace new strategies that serve people and the environment.”
Coalition Member
“As a result of my involvement in [The Coalition], State Senator Zenzinger has proposed a bill to reduce transit fare for front-line healthcare workers in order to increase their reliable access to hospitals and health centers.”
Former Governor of Colorado
“Without [The Alliance], Colorado’s sustainability movement would be without a ringleader. They are central to creating a sustainable future for our beautiful state. They certainly cannot do it alone, and that is why their model of collaboration is so powerful and their convening power is unmatched.”
Alliance Events Attendee
“Attending events at The Alliance Center has helped me push myself to be more engaged in economic and environmental issues at home and to continually educate myself throughout the week.”
We bring people together to develop and advance solutions for an inclusive, regenerative future.