Policy Recommendations for a Greener Colorado Infrastructure

Efforts to bolster sustainable transportation in Colorado are gaining momentum! From expanding electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure to incentivizing public transit, we’re witnessing collective push towards a greener, more accessible future. Our key policy recommendations harness this momentum to deliver actionable steps for Colorado’s infrastructure.

Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Improvements

Colorado has made significant strides in building its EV charging network. However, to ensure widespread adoption, we need to expand charging stations statewide, particularly in rural and high-density areas. Prioritizing renewable energy sources and battery backups for stations is crucial. Additionally, installing rapid charging stations (Level 3) and additional Level 2 chargers at state buildings, rest stops and parks can further enhance accessibility. Providing incentives to speed up consumer adoption of electric vehicles will also play a vital role in this transition.

Incentivizing Public Transport

Improving public transit accessibility is crucial. To achieve this, we should promote alternative transit options like light rail, commuter railand bus rapid transit. Expanding free transit programs and encouraging transit-supportive land uses can further incentivize public transit usage.

Fully Electrify Colorado’s School Bus Fleets

Transitioning school buses to electric models offers both health and environmental benefits. We propose switching all school bus fleets to electric buses and identifying and providing necessary funding for this transition.

Electric Bicycles (E-Bikes)

E-bikes are gaining popularity as a sustainable mode of transport. Let’s support their growth by expanding funding for e-bike rebate programs. Investing in bicycle infrastructure, including protected lanes and bicycle highways, will further encourage their use.

Bike Infrastructure Navigator

Streamlining funding for bicycle infrastructure projects is essential. We suggest establishing a state-level office to identify federal funding opportunities for local bicycle infrastructure projects.

By implementing these recommendations, Colorado can pave the way for a more sustainable, accessible transportation system.