Announcing the National Expansion of The Coalition

We are thrilled to announce the national expansion of The Coalition for a Regenerative Future! Founded in 2020 by The Alliance for Collective Action, The Coalition is a collaboration of individuals and organizations boldly working together to advance solutions for a thriving planet. This exciting expansion invites individuals and organizations across the country to become founding members of a transformative movement.

Becoming a Founding Member: What to Expect from National Expansion

The key pillars of The Coalition’s expansion include knowledge sharing, consulting, project-based replication and coalition-based replication. These pillars are designed to maximize impact and collaboration, fostering a powerful network of changemakers across the country!

The Coalition will be using an innovative, pay-what-you-can fee structure that asks each member to donate annually according to their unique financial realities. Our work is inclusive of students and folks with lower incomes as well as corporate executive and elected officials, and we ask that folks who can afford it contribute more. This model allows us to support all members equitably and build a truly inclusive moment. 

Your member benefits will include:

  • Opportunities to provide input on regenerative policy initiatives and policy development via surveys, focus groups, platform contributions and more.
  • Marketing and branding opportunities, including logo placement on the Alliance for Collective Action website, use of The Coalition’s logo and co-branding of materials.
  • Access to Coalition training sessions and workshops.
  • Access to regularly updated resources, project toolkits, and replication resources through our member library.
  • Access to special events and exclusive panel discussions.
  • Access to consultation services, ecosystem mapping and project management or other structural support for projects.
  • Free coworking passes and conference room bookings at The Alliance Center.

And so much more! Visit to explore more member benefits.

Join the Movement of Movements!

The national expansion of The Coalition for a Regenerative Future is a pivotal moment in the fight against extractive, exploitative systems that contribute to climate change, income inequality and more. This fall, The Coalition invites individuals and organizations passionate about building a better world to join as founding members. Any member who joins by December 31st, 2023 will be honored as a founding member.

By participating in this transformative movement, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Share knowledge and best practices with like-minded individuals and organizations from diverse backgrounds and regions.
  • Receive guidance and support from experienced consultants to implement impactful projects in your community.
  • Collaborate on a national level to spread successful initiatives, guide systemic change and inspire a regenerative revolution.

To become a member of the Coalition for a Regenerative Future, please visit And save the date for our national launch celebration on October 12th, 2023 from 3-4:30pm MT!

We believe that every human-made system—from the way we produce food to the regulations that govern society—can transform to be in service to life. Together, we can create that transformation.