Invest in Climate Solutions Through the Healthy Soils Challenge

Healthy Soils and the Climate Crisis

Can we combat the climate crisis by paying more attention to… soil?

Yes, we can! Transitioning to regenerative agricultural practices is one of the most effective solutions to the climate crisis, and soil health is a key component of regenerative agriculture. By storing more carbon and retaining more water, healthy soil improves the quality of our food and water, increases the resilience of our land and combats rising global temperatures.

Unfortunately, due in part to wildfires, droughts and unsustainable land management practices, many farms and ranches in the US suffer from poor soil health. Our nation’s approach to farming has historically prioritized profits over the health of land and people, and we are now paying the price. The current system harms farmers and ranchers, consumers and the environment.

Luckily, there’s something we can do about it.

The Healthy Soils Challenge

A partnership between the Colorado Department of Agriculture, Zero Foodprint and The Alliance’s Coalition, the Healthy Soils Challenge is a fundraising campaign for Restore Colorado, a program to help Colorado farmers and ranchers restore their land and implement climate smart agriculture. Just $48 can pull a literal ton of carbon out of the atmosphere—imagine what millions of dollars can do! Restore Colorado will team up with the state’s farmers and ranchers to plant cover crops, apply compost, manage rotational grazing and more.

Restore Colorado’s first project will be the McCauley Family Farm. Check out the video below to learn more!


What You Can Do

Are you a farmer or rancher? A chef or restaurant owner? A diner or consumer? No matter your role in the food system—and we all have one—you can be part of the solution!

Individuals can:

  • Donate to The Alliance to support regenerative agriculture projects.
  • Patronize businesses that have committed to supporting regenerative agriculture.
  • Get involved in the Coalition’s other regenerative agriculture efforts.

Business owners can:

  • Commit to supporting regenerative agriculture through the 1% pledge.
  • Sponsor The Coalition’s regenerative agriculture efforts.

Farmers and ranchers can:

  • Reach out to The Coalition’s Director, Jolie Brawner, for more information on participating in or benefiting from our regenerative agriculture initiatives.

Everyone can:

  • Join the Coalition, a cross-sector collaboration of organizations and individuals working to create a finer future.
  • Attend the Healthy Soils Launch Party on October 11th, 2022 from 6-9pm! This event, featuring food, drinks and inspiring conversations about building strong and resilient food systems, will kick off the Healthy Soils Challenge. Attendees will connect with leaders, chefs, media outlets, funders, farmers, ranchers and government officials, including Governor Polis. We hope to see you there!